Saturday, September 4, 2010

can you bronze a first blog post?

Well, hello, I guess, to whoever's reading this, if anyone!  This is very obviously the first post of my first blog EVER, which is a little scary, to tell the truth.  I'm a TOTAL rookie as of right now, so please excuse my noob-ish-ness for the first little while.  My blog posts'll get more interesting from here on out, promise.  On that subject, this blog is an opportunity for me to...

a). Spread my random-ass views on things (whatever they may be)
b).  Inform the general public as to anything that's been particularly irritating me as of late
c).  Generally rant... but in a very definitely non bitchy way, promise!

I'm kind of an oddity, seeing as my interests range from in-depth studies of macroeconomics to Renaissance history to REALLY good movies I like.  Please note that I will never, EVER use this blog thing to be catty or mean to people, which I really don't like.  AT ALL.  Don't you just want to shake those people?  You know, the ones who minutely analyze some random celebrity's current outfit, then make all these moral judgements of said person based on that?  Ugh.  GET OVER YOURSELVES!

Sorry, I usually make more sense than that, but while reading up on how to be a good little blogger, I came across some really nasty comments online.  Hmph.  But anyway, I thought, since you, the reader in potentia, is right now trying to decide whether or not to continue reading this possible psychotic girl's blog, I'd add in some personal stuff.  Not too (creepily) personal stuff, just the basics. 

Favourite Books?  

-Most of Terry Pratchett's stuff, especially the audiobooks.  FANTASTIC.  Just saying.
-Harry Potter series, especially the early ones :)
-Lamb:  The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal  (or just anything by Christopher Moore)
-John Green's books -- they're FUNNY.

Favourite Movies?

-The Warriors
-Donnie Darko
-Dr. Strangelove, or:  How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb  (obviously)
-The Shining
-Monty Python in general
-Sherlock Holmes
-A Hard Day's Night

Favourite Bands?

-Tragically Hip
-The Beatles 
-Simon Fraser University Pipe Band
-Vampire Weekend (before the MTV thing)
-The Clash
-The White Stripes
(Plus lots of other songs by other individuals...)

Favourite TV Shows?

-A Bit of Fry and Laurie
-Royal Pains 
-White Collar
-The Ricky Gervais Show (BRILLIANT)

and now for other random and useless trivia about me, the author of the mineshaft gap...

-I'm an atheist who loves to debate religion-y things.
-I don't really like politicians that much.  Politics, yes, but not politicians.
-I play the bagpipes and the violin, and would LOVE to be able to play the piano.
-There is nothing in this world that can rival my dislike of chocolate.
-I really, really don't like Twilight.  Used to, then was cured, praise the Lord!
-I'm an intensely cynical and sarcastic person (no, really?)
-I'm rarely serious, except when we're talking politics or econ or something...
-I'm the most introverted person you'll never meet, but not in the creepy way you think.

Hmm, next on the guide says, "Now, remember to leave your readers a way to give you feedback.  You want to be able to learn from your mistakes to help you further yourself as a business or as an individual..."  (UGH motivational speaking!)  So if you, the potential reader, would like to leave a comment (whether it be one of disgust or praise), please do so through the little button that says 'comment'.  

And finally, the last words:  are there any Discworld fans out there?  Any at all?  I love him, but no one else seems to, where I live...


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